NEW JOBS OPENING IN UAE - Regal Dubai Travel Agency

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Job Market in UAE is currently in Top gear as business mostly gains pace during last stage of the year. Chances of more hiring is currently 86% for the 4th and last quarter of 2017.
This is happening because of VAT (Value added Tax) and Expo 2020, yes, the imposition of 5% (5 per cent) value added tax from January 1st, 2018 and the so far successful operations of Expo 2020 brighten the job prospects more than ever.
UAE 2018 Jobs

What is the best time Companies in UAE will hire Employees?
As per latest survey reports, the majority of UAE responded firms are looking to hire candidates during the 4th (fourth) quarter of current year.
Remaining 14% (per cent) of respondents are not interesting to hire in current quarter and they may hire new staff in 2018.
So, there is another positive sign of hiring professionals with special skills in the great United Arab Emirates which will increase at the start of upcoming year.

What are the most demanded positions?
As per Mr. Paul Drum, a head of policy at CPA Australia: “Accounting and Finance companies in GCC will hire more than 5000 new Employees because of Value added tax (VAT) starting January 2018.
Don‎‎’t worry, FMCG, Construction, IT, Hospitality and other companies are also looking for new candidates, check out survey Report at last.

Let us share the 3 mostly demanded Jobs and positions in UAE for 2018.

1: Accounting and Finance:
Accounts and Finance departments are at the Top in new hiring’s.
Job seekers with a good level of experience in Gulf Countries specially in UAE are more likely to attract employment offers across UAE.
According to Experts, the industry is witnessing a “trans-formative shift,” with about 8/10 (eight in ten) almost 80% (80 per cent) of banks are looking to implement block-chain projects before this year end.
So, Applicants who want to begin a career in the financial services industry won’t get disappointed this time.

Top Demanded and in-demand Roles for Accounting & Finance Departments in 2018 are:
A: Credit Controller
B: Tax Manager
C: Financial Plaining and Analysis Directors
D: M&A Associates
E: Anti-Money Laundering
F: Compliance Officers

Salaries in Accounting and Finance Departments in 2018:

A: Salaries for Credit Controller for Small Companies will be from $52,000 - $65,000 per year.
B: Salaries for Tax Manager for Large Companies will be from $92,000 – $140,000 per year.
C: Salaries for Financial Plaining and analysis directors for Large Firms will be from $164,000 - $238,000 per year.
D: Salaries for M&A Associates will be from $114,000 - $192,000 per year.
E: Salaries for Anti-Money Laundering will start from $68,000 - $122,000 per year.
F: Salaries for Compliance Officers will start from $59,000 - $91,000 per year.

2: Informational Technology (IT):
The growing demand from UAE firms and government departments increasingly reliant on Information and Technology field.
And as UAE firms jump on the digital transformation bandwagon, there will be more employee required to fill roles in the information technology department.

Companies will look for highly desirable employees who can manage large-scale projects, as well as those with analytical and logical skills, and extra knowledge in small and large business functions.
There are more opportunities across UAE with nearly half of businesses 48% (48 per cent) looking to focus on the implementation of new advance technologies next year, along with talent management and company growth.

Top Demanded and in-demand Roles for IT Departments in 2018 are:
A: Project Manager
B: Programming Manager
C: Business systems analysts
D: Application developers

Salaries in IT Departments in 2018:

A: Salaries for Project & programming Managers will start from $98,000 - $163,000 per year.
B: Salaries for Business systems analysts will start from $56,000 – $100,000 per year.
C: Salaries for Application developers will start from $52,000 - $121,000 per year.
3: Human Resources and Administration (HR):
UAE Employment in 2018 will also see a high demand for employees that can handle staff relations, screen/place workers and organise resources.
As everybody knows that HR along with Administrative staff have become the backbone of UAE business, especially now that digital transformation projects are beginning to take effect, changing the nature of work across UAE.
As a result, bigger firms are investing heavily in the training, development and retention of Human Resources and administration departments.

Top Demanded and in-demand Roles for HR & Administrative departments in 2018 are:
A: Head of HR
B: HR Business Partners
C: Executive Assistants

Salaries in HR and Administration Departments in 2018:

A: Salaries for Head of HR will start from 114,000 - $128,000 per year.
B: Salaries for HR Business Partners will start from $78,000 – $81,000 per year.
C: Salaries for Executive Assistants will start from $53,000 - $58,000 per year.

Note: Above salaries are predicted (not fixed) and can pay by big companies.

Survey Report:
1: VAT and Expo 2020 will generate more jobs across UAE specially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
2: Residents are satisfied with their current jobs but can switch jobs if better opportunity arises.
3: Over 1/3 (one-third) companies in UAE are plaining to fill more than 5 Vacancies.
4: Fifty three percent (53%) of Residents believe in career growth opportunities in 2018.

5: Legal Tax, Human Resources, Account, Finance, FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Boutique investment, Construction, Retail & Hospitality firms will hire more employees at the end of 2017 or at the beginning of 2018.
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